Link to imprint
To link your imprint to your navigation bar, simply go to "Navigation" in your project "settings" and add it there ("Imprint Link"). If the imprint is part of your e.g. your magazine you don’t need to put in the complete link but only the name of the article (e.g. imprint). Also type or copy in the text that you would like to be displayed with the link ("Imprint Tooltip Text"). ThePopularAdd cookie consent
Online magazines are technically and legally websites, which is why they are subject to the guidelines of the GDPR (further information). For your digital magazine, you will need a cookie banner in almost every case, with which readers can agree or disagree to the settings of the cookies. You can activate the standard cookie noticFew readersLink data protection declaration
To link your data protection declaration to your navigation bar, simply go to "Navigation" in your magazines settings and add the link to your data protection declaration ("Data Privacy Link"). Also type or copy in the text that you would like to be displayed with the link ("Data Privacy Tooltip Text"). The data protection declaration will be displayed by a symbol in your navigatFew readers