Integrate Google Analytics
It only takes you a few steps to integrate Google Analytics into Webmag. To record your projects statistics from Google Analytics, go to "Settings" either at the folder level (for all your projects) or simply at the specific project level. Now activate the “Google Analytics” plugin under "Plugins" in the section: "Analytics & Tracking". Enter your Google Analytics ID to access your projects statistics. The Universal ID complies with the standard tracking ID and always starts with "UA-".Few readersIntegrate other analytics services
Next to Google Analytics and internal Webmag analytics options, we give you the option to integrate other analytics services. These are the open source web analytics platform Matomo, the free tag management system Google Tag Manager and the open source software Plausible Analytics. All services can be integrated with just a few clicks and by entering the tracking URL and site ID (Matomo), the Google TagFew readersIntegrated Analytics
The integrated analytics are available automatically and directly in your Webmag account. The Webmag analytics are created with the help of our partner Fathom Analytics. Fathom Analytics is a privacy-focused website analytics platform that does not set cookies and therefore does not require cookie consent (read more about Fathom Analytics privacy here). Fathom Analytics does not collect any personal data and is therefore GDPR-complianFew readers