Articles on: Editor: Basics
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Publishing, unpublishing and deleting


Simply publish your item using the drop-down menu. To publish single issues or pages of your item, please first publish the item itself.

The link to your item will be visible directly. The link will also be shown using the small menu (“Item URL”). 

Issues and pages will be published equally on the issue-level or in the pages overview.


You can also unpublish your publication using the very same drop-down menu. The unpublished item won’t be available online any longer. Be aware that readers to whom you sent the link won’t be able to open it from now on. After unpublishing you can continue editing your item as usual and / or publish them again.


The same menu gives you the option to delete pages, items, issues and menus. We do only recommend to do so if you are absolutely certain that you definitely no longer need this content. Please be aware that there is no option to make this step undone. You are not sure whether you maybe want to keep a page? Just leave the „unpublished“, non-public items and pages to ensure you won’t lose any important content.

In case of emergency, your deleted content can usually be restored using backup-copies. Therefor please get in touch with your contact person or support at

Updated on: 04/05/2023

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