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- Getting startedEverything you need to get started with Webmag – e.g. registration, information on the trial, available price plans.
- Data protection & GDPRHow to add a cookie consent or link imprint and privacy policy, for example.
- Webmag ServicesInformation on Webmag services such as support, chat, instant help, customised elements and third-party integration.
- Editor: Templates & SnippetsHow to handle the templates as well as the various snippets and their functions.
- Editor: BasicsBasic questions about the Webmag editor such as login, creating elements, editing pages, inserting corporate identity, etc.
- Editor: Team managementWorking in teams with Webmag, adding new members to the teams and assigning roles to the members for editing.
- AnalyticsHow to e.g. activate internal analytics, request reportings or integrate Google Analytics and other analytics services.
- PluginsHow to integrate additional functions into Webmag via plugins.